2.7 Installing HATS HA on a Computer System from the Server

This section shows you how to install HATS HA on a computer system without a CD-ROM drive or a floppy disk drive or a tape drive.

  1. Copy all the files in the HATS HA onto the server.
    1. A. If you are copying from a CD-ROM, type:
      • server# pkgadd -s /var/spool/pkg -d /cdrom/ha
        • This will bring up the following window

      The following packages are available:
      ......1.......HA.......High Availability
      (sparc)[HA 7.0], REV=96.01.20

      Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages),
      (default: all) [?, ??, q]:

    2. B. Type 1 and press ENTER.
      • This will bring up the following window

      Transferring <HA> package instance

      1. A. If you are copying from a floppy disk, type:
          server# pkgadd -s /var/spool/pkg -d /floppy/ha
          Then press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following window

        The following packages are available:
        1............. HA....... High Availability
        (sparc)[HA 7.0], REV=96.01.20

        Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages),
        (default: all) [?, ??, q]:

          B.Type 1 and press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following window

        Transferring <HA> package instance

      2. A. If you are copying from a tape, type:

          server# pkgadd -s /var/spool/pkg -d /dev/rmt/0
          Then press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following window

        The following packages are available:
        1............. HA....... High Availability
        (sparc)[HA 7.0], REV=96.01.20

        Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages),
        (default: all) [?, ??, q]:

          B. Type 1 and press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following window

        Transferring <HA> package instance

      3. Copy all the files in the HATS HA from the server onto your destination hard disk.
          At system prompt, type:rcp -r server:/var/spool/pkg/HA /var/spool/pkg
        • Then press ENTER.
      4. At system prompt, type pkgadd -d /var/spool/pkg/. Press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following screen:

        The following packages are available:
        1............. HA....... High Availability
        (sparc)[HA 7.0], REV=96.01.20

        Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages),
        (default: all) [?, ??, q]:

      5. Type 1 to select HATS HA package. Press ENTER.
          This will bring up the following the screen:

        Processing package instance <HA> from </floppy/ha>

        High Availability
        (Sparc) [HA 7.0], REV=96.01.20

        Copyright(c) 1995 H.A. Technical Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

        Using </us/HA> as the package base directory.
        ## Processing package information.
        ## Processing system information.
        ## Verifying disk space requirements.
        ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
        ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

        This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission
        during the process of installing this package.

        Do you want to continue with the installation of <HA> [y,n,?]

      6. Type y to select yes. Press ENTER.
          This will bring up the following screen.

        Installing High Availability as <HA>

        ## Installing part 1 of 1.
        [verifying class <none> ]
        ## Executing postinstall script.
        uncompress HATAR.Z
        tar HATAR
        x ./ha_api, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
        x ./ha_api/libha_api.a, 5798 bytes, 12 tape blocks
        x ./ha_api/haapi.c, 1876 bytes, 4 tape blocks
        x ./ha_api/haapi.x, 11908 bytes, 24 tape blocks
        x ./ha_api/makefile, 120 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ha_kill, 7880 bytes, 16 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ha_openwin, 8936 bytes, 18 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ha_SK99, 557 bytes, 2 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ha_autoexec, 811 bytes, 2 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_cmd.x, 216596 bytes, 424 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_mon.x, 121544 bytes, 238 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_xxx.x, 195924 bytes, 383 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/win_yy.x, 115048 bytes, 225 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/win_st.x, 199228 bytes, 390 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/win_hi.x, 116952 bytes, 229 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA.x, 117040 bytes, 229 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ha_mai.x, 238196 bytes, 466 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ag_bea.x, 138664 bytes, 271 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ag_det.x, 128560 bytes, 252 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/ag_syn.x, 114336 bytes, 224 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_menu.large, 149008 bytes, 292 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_menu.medium, 149008 bytes, 292 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/choiceicon, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/haicon, 3290 bytes, 7 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/haiconmask, 3302 bytes, 7 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/HA_gui, 161072 bytes, 315 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/brokenicon, 302 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/circle75icon, 308 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/server1icon, 8400 bytes, 17 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/server2icon, 8400 bytes, 17 tape blocks
        x ./ha_exe/servericon, 12892 bytes, 26 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/ods_start, 111 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/ods_stop, 109 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/config.sample, 1099 bytes, 3 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/hosts.sample, 161 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/page_adm, 457 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/oracle_start, 348 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/oracle_stop, 339 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/sybase_start, 143 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/ods_before_mount, 189 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/sybase_stop, 141 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/ods_after_umount, 151 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./ha_file/config.syntax, 2700 bytes, 6 tape blocks
        add High Availability to /etc/rc2.d/S99.HA
        add High Availability to openwin Workspace

        Installation of <HA> was successful.

        The following packages are available:
        1 HA High Availability
        ..............(sparc) [HA 7.0],REV=96.01.20

        Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to processall packages).
        (default: all) [?,??,q]:

        Congratulations! You have succeeded in installing the HATS HA!
      7. Type q to exit installation. Press ENTER.
          Your installation is now complete. Save your disk and put it in a safe place.
      8. At system prompt, type pkginfo -l HA. Press ENTER.
        • This will bring up the following screen to confirm your installation:

        russell# russell# pkginfo -l HA
        PKGINST: HA
        NAME: High Availability
        CATEGORY: system
        ARCH: sparc
        VERSION: [HA 7.0],REV=96.01.20
        BASEDIR: /usr/HA
        VENDOR: H.A. Technical Solutions, LLC.
        PSTAMP: _02/12/96
        INSTDATE: Feb 20 1996 15:42
        STATUS: completely installed
        FILES: 2 installed pathnames
        2 executables
        1807 blocks used (approx)

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